Info Keychain

Arjun Sharma

Last Update a year ago

Steps to add data in WhoICard - Info Keychain and Tags

Step1: Scan QR code through any QR Code Scanner 

(Recommended: Google Lens


Step2: Copy Paste below Template for time saving 

**Email ID:** 
**Call / WhatsApp:** 
**Date of Birth:** 
**Blood Group:** ==B+==
**Medical Information:** *Add your medical info here*
**Running Medicine:** *Add your running medicine here or Write N/A*
**Emergency Contact:**
**Person 1 :** +91123456789
**Person 2:** +91123456789
**(Call/Whatsapp in Hindi and English)**
!!! danger Ambulance Number: 108

Step 3: Enter Your Updated Data / Information  

Step 4: Add your custom edit code or leave blank for auto generate. 

Note: Kindly please write this custom edit code somewhere safe place for future editing this data. without this code you and whoicard also not able to edit if require. 

Step 5: Add your custom URL or leave blank for auto generate.

Step 6: Click GO button.

Step 7: Copy URL  from address bar from browser.

Step 8: Go to https://url.whoicard.com/ and enter your contact number and product serial number.

Step 9: Click on verify button and paste your copied URL Link.

Step 10: Click on Activate button. 

Congratulations !!! Your all information added in keychain / tag .

Still you have query you can submit ticket or connect on live chat.


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